Sunday, September 15, 2013


 There is no doubt that social media effects the way we interact today. Social media for me is a good way to keep in touch with friends and family. I tend to find myself messaging someone on Facebook if I don't have his or her number in my phone. This is also the biggest distraction for me; we live in a world where we have technology around us at all times. When we walk around with our cell phones we are constantly connected and updated on other people’s lives through social media sites. Usually when we think about advances in technology it is considered a positive thing, but technology has its negative effects too. Often times I find that I can’t concentrate on homework, or other priorities because of the distraction of my phone, whether it’s my friends texting me or my Instagram and twitter feed. I notice the social media as a distraction. Another negative effect of social media is the cyber bullying. Kids all over the world are susceptible to this; some kids just aren't knowledgeable enough to ignore it. Privacy is another negative effect of social media, sometimes I feel like people use Facebook or Twitter to broadcast all the little details of their lives. Social media sites open up your life to strangers, nothing is private.

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